Every Mother and Child has the Right to a Safe Beginning.


4 Effective Measures to Control Your Anger during Pregnancy

Pregnancy will bombard you with emotions and make you ride that emotional roller coaster ride that involves a lot of mood swings. It is common for expecting mothers to become angry and agitated easily. Extreme hormonal fluctuations can make women more agitated and angry. The changes going on in your body can make these feelings intense and difficult to cope with. This not only takes its toll on your wellbeing and health but also the relationship you have with your loved ones particularly your partner.

Here are simple yet effective measures that you can take to control your anger:

1. Opt for a healthy lifestyle

Having a healthy lifestyle is naturally going to instill positivity and emotional control in you. Make sure you are taking your required proteins and carbohydrates along with leafy greens and whole grain bread. Make sure you take fresh fruits between your meal. Secondly, it is important for you to take plenty of sleep and say no to alcohol and smoking.

Furthermore, having a regular exercise routine plays a vital role in anger management. A simple exercise like walking will help to release the happy hormones called endorphins which will lift your emotionally. As a bonus, you will also be able to feel a rise in energy levels which eliminate common pregnancy conditions like back ache, constipation and breathlessness.

2. Relax yourself

Simple relaxation techniques such as deep breathing can do wonders. Whenever you feel stressed out or angry, take deep breaths. Deep breaths are supposed to be from your diaphragm. Make sure the breath is coming from deep inside and not just your chest. And when you are taking deep breaths, keep reminding yourself to stay calm.

Another way you can relax yourself  is by doing non-strenuous yoga exercises. They help you to feel calm and relax your muscles. Doing meditations for a minimum of ten minutes every day is also a good idea.

3. Change the way you think

When we are angry we tend to say a lot of harsh things we don’t even mean. You might be worried about something else and you are simply taking it out on your partner. Your partner will understand this sometimes and brush it off but if you make it a habit, then you might weaken your relationship with your partner which you really don’t want at this point. Therefore, change the way you think.

The more you worry, the more angry and irritated you get. Whenever you start overthinking, tell yourself to stop by distracting yourself with positive thing. Just set aside all the worries and repeatedly tell yourself all this discomfort you are facing is temporary. It is nothing compared to the bundle of joy that is on it.

4. Slow down

When we are angry, we simply don’t think rationally which is why we always jump to negative conclusions. This will distance your from your loved ones. You need their support right now and even after delivery. Try to slow down when you feel hot blood rushing into your head. Think before you utter your words.

You can make efforts to analyze the situation that is making you angry and think about ways you can deal with it. You might not be able to change the situation but you can always learn to react differently. If you have already reacted previously, think about how you could have reacted in a more balanced way so you don’t repeat it again.

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