Every Mother and Child has the Right to a Safe Beginning.


Newborn Care: 7 Secrets to Stay Healthy for New Moms

Let the truth be told. They are not wrong when they say a happy and healthy mom makes for a happy and healthy kid. Health is crucial for a new mother. Every woman wants a healthy pregnancy and birth but a newborn quickly drains all the time and energy mom can take out to take care of herself. Health becomes more important than ever when it comes to caring for an infant.

Here some tips to keep you charged all the time:

1. Charge your immune system

When taking care of your little one, nobody wants to be struck with a frustrating flu or cold. Begin your new journey of motherhood by getting vaccinated. Flu shots are a good idea as they shield your baby against diseases for the first six months.

To naturally pump up your immunity, maintain an intake of antioxidant rich foods (like apples and berries), tons of lean protein and dark greens. Also go for vitamin C rich foods like lemon and strawberries which are well known for its immune boosting quality. Having yoghurt daily is also helps to stimulate immune cells. Plus we all know keeping yourself hydrated by drinking ample amount of water helps to flush out toxins from the body.

2. Make your ZZZs a priority

If you are really serious about taking care of your little angel, then you need to put your sleep needs first. After the baby arrives, it may be a little difficult to get your sleep but do keep it a priority. Whenever you succeed in the challenge of making your baby sleep, reward yourself with some nap time too. Yes you deserve some rest too. Whenever anyone close to you offer to take care of the baby, just say yes and get yourself some sleep. The household chores can wait.

3. Jot down a feeding schedule for yourself

Not only does your baby have a feeding schedule, you need one too. Feeding mothers need 400 to 500 extra calories each day for breast feeding well. Whenever you find some time for yourself, you can simply chop some fiber and vitamin filled vegetables like celery and carrots and eat it instead of eating junk food.

4. Connect with other new moms

With the birth of a child, you can get too caught up with child. It can result in the feeling of disconnection from the rest of the world. You can take your mind off it by talking about your journey of motherhood with other new moms. This will help you not only boost your immunity but also self-esteem. It is actually a research that says laughing it off with friends and having a social circle pumps up your immunity. If you are out in the park doing your regular walk, converse with another mom with a kid. You might end up setting a date to meet again.

5. Be practical

So what if your house can’t be flawlessly neat and clean? It is okay because there are more important things to do on your list like taking care of your baby and your exercise sessions. Feel liberated by letting go of the idea of being all-so-perfect. Be reasonable and kind to yourself by setting realistic expectations.

6. One word Rest

Your body may feel weak after childbirth but it will heal and recover soon only if you be serious about rest and sleep as a regular part of your routine. Sleep when your baby sleeps without even a tiny bit of guilt. Your baby will soon find a proper routine where the night is for shutting your eyes and day for all the chirp and play.

7. Write for your sanity

So you keep forgetting something or the other all the find and feel cranky? That’s okay. This is just the beginning of motherhood. The best thing you can do is take out a pen and write out your health routine. Allot some time for everything including nap time, some lone time, social time, work out time, cleaning time and others. Not knowing when to do what can be really frustrating.

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