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5 Benefits of Walking During Pregnancy

We all know that walking is good for health but did you know there is no better time to reap its utmost benefits than the time of pregnancy. It keeps you fit and healthy in a variety of ways. It is the best way to make sure you are getting adequate amount of exercise required in the pregnancy phase. Walking is a safe exercise throughout your pregnancy. However, make sure you don’t overdo it and talk to your doctor before starting it in case you have any complications.

In case you already had a habit of walking on a regular basis even before you got pregnant, continue with it. However, if you have just begun walking, it is a good idea to start with 15 to 30 minutes of walk three days in a week. You can then stretch the time period to 60 minutes for most days of the week. You can keep walking until your third trimester and also after birth. as long as you feel comfortable, you can continue.

Here are some of the great health benefits of walking during pregnancy:

  1. Decreases the Risk of Pre-Eclampsia

Pre-eclampsia is a pregnancy complication that is characterized by excess protein in the urine and high blood pressure. When you walk on a regular basis, it helps to decrease cholesterol and maintain a healthy weight which in turn balances blood pressure levels. This means you have lesser chances of premature labor that occurs because of pre-eclampsia.

  1. Increases the Chances of Normal Delivery

Walking keeps you physically active and fit. It is a complete body exercise which also improves your cardiovascular health. Walking in your pregnancy aids in toning up your hip muscles and increase flexibility. Do you know what that means? It means you have high chances of pain-free, easier and faster delivery. Taking a walk early in the morning is the best time if you really want a natural childbirth. After all, being in a good shape keeps you well prepared for delivery.

  1. Stress Killer

Most pregnant women are really stressed out for a variety of reasons. It could be because of hormonal fluctuations. A pregnant woman is known to have mood swings ranging from depression, anxiety to happiness. Walking is an exercise that helps to release endorphins. Endorphin is a chemical that helps to make you feel good. in short, it is a stress busters that lifts up your mood at times when you feel really down.

  1. Decreases Risk of Gestational Diabetes

Many pregnant women are at a risk of high blood sugar levels during pregnancy which is just not good. With high blood sugar levels during pregnancy, you run a risk of being inflicted with type 2 diabetes after delivery the baby. It also increases the chances of having an obese baby and pre-term labor. Walking not only helps to minimize the risk of developing gestational diabetes but it also helps to keep your weight under control.

  1. Relieves Aches And Discomforts

Whether it is lower back pain or pain in your shoulder, pregnancy comes with its own sets of aches and discomforts. It is the time of your life that you become more prone to certain discomforts and pain especially when you don’t keep yourself active. Walking is an exercise that provides you with relief from this constant discomfort and pain. Stretching your legs while you walk is great way to get relief from pain.

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