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5 Easy Ways to Make Your Baby Smart and Intelligent

Parents usually want their babies to be intelligent and smart. There are different practical and easy ways to help channelize your baby’s energy to develop his intellect. You can stimulate your baby’s senses to make your baby creative, intelligent and smart. Senses of taste, sound, sight, smell and touch facilitate this development process. The brain of your baby develops through different exercises and experiences.

Here are some ways to help your baby become smarter:

  1. Keep him away from TV

Most of the parents just like to put their babies in front of the TV and be just free of them. But did you know constant TV time does not offer any kind of stimulation to the baby’s brain? It simply impairs the cognitive skill of your baby along with wasting time that could have been used for developing intelligence. Rather than just making your baby watch TC, just use that time to make your baby participate in physical activities that demands thinking and moving around. Even simple games like baby football or playing catch can help to enhance the coordination skills of your baby.

  1. Interact more with your baby

Don’t just think that just because your baby cannot speak, you shouldn’t interact with him either. As a matter of fact, scientists believe that interacting continuously with your baby can greatly improve his brain development. Expressing your love to the baby, playing and cuddling with him helps to stimulate the brain. When you talk to your baby and develop an emotional bond, it also helps in developing thinking skills in your baby. On the whole, it makes your baby more confident and secure.

  1. Set challenges for your baby

Involve your child in age-appropriate activities that sets interesting challenges for your baby. These challenges will force your baby to use his brain. Make use of object like shapes, balls, and blocks to make fun games at home. With the help of simple activities, you can teach your baby and help him learn different colors, shapes and numbers. Take him to a nearby park or your very own garden to tell him about plants and birds.

  1. Welcome your baby early to the world of books

No, it is not early to introduce your baby to the world of books. In fact, it is never too early. As soon as your baby is few months old, just read it out loud from any newspaper or book that you are reading. Stress on the pronunciation as your speak out words so that your baby actually hears them. He is taking it all in even if he can’t speak yet. You can start with board books that contain many pictures as your child grows up. You can read out rhymes as well as stories. This helps to add to your baby’s vocabulary and lets him know about the house he lives in as well as the world outside.

  1. Breastfeed your baby until he turns two

According to different studies, babies who are breastfed for two years tend to have at least five percent higher IQ levels compared to those who are not. Make sure you breastfeed your baby from the time he is born till he turns two. However, after he turns six months old, start adding nutritious and healthy foods to his diet that your doctor recommends.

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