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How to Help Your Baby Deal with Separation Anxiety?

Babies go through separation anxiety when they are separated from their mother of the care taker. It is quite normal. It shows the strength of your bond with him. Separation is not easy for anyone. It is hard for babies too.

Here are some of the things you can do to ease separation anxiety in babies:

  1. Practice it: start practicing the ritual of separation even before your baby begins his nursery. You can do that by leaving him at grandparents or caretaker for some time. This can prepare for the time he begins school. Practicing this more often can help turn this into a habit faster.
  2. Speak to your baby about it: your baby will be more mentally prepared if you talk to him about it. Try to make your baby understand that he needs to stay at home or go to the day care until you come back. Be nice and sweet to him while you tell him that ‘I will call you during lunch, mama will be back very soon while grandma takes care of you’. Babies are smarter than you think. They understand your gestures and body language.
  3. Make your baby familiar: no matter who the caretaker is, make your baby familiar with him. Let him become more comfortable with the care taker and the environment he is going to be in. Don’t just rush. Let your baby take his time to settle down. Send his favorite toy if that is helps him find some connection to his home.
  4. Do not pamper every time he cries: no need to hug or console him every time he cries. This will only increase the separation anxiety. Just let him cry and be on his own. Give him space and time to face the separation. If you don’t interfere, he might even stop crying on his own. Just resist your motherly instincts for now because they are not going to help him.
  5. Keep your word: Never break the promises you make to your child. Always keep your word. Otherwise he will end up having trust issues with you. keeping your promises will make him trust you more and remain at peace when you are not there. he will find more confidence in himself as well.
  1. The reunion: as soon you are you back home, just go reach out to your child and hold him. Before you go on to do some other task, play with him or simply spend some time to him. This lets him know that while separation may be painful, the reunion is happy.
  1. Never cry in front of your baby: it might be really difficult for you to hold your tears in front of your baby but just do it. Never cry in front of him. Crying will make it really hard for your baby to part from you. When you leave your baby, just put up a brave front and smile. Don’t let him know you are pained by the separation because it will only make things worse. 

Time your separations: when your baby is hungry or tired, separations become more difficult for your baby. Leave him well fed, healthy and happy. If you leave him while he is looking away or sleeping, he might start crying the moment he knows you are not there. You are simply breaking his trust. Ask your care taker to diver his attention with his favorite food or toy as soon as you leave.

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