Every Mother and Child has the Right to a Safe Beginning.


Why Do I Feel Unwell So Regularly?

You are more susceptible to falling ill when your immune system is weaker. If you find yourself becoming unwell during or just before periods, this could be linked to your menstrual cycle. There are a number of simple ways to boost the immune system:

1) Eat more fruit and veg
The antioxidants in them reduce the inflammation linked to many illnesses.

2) Eat more fermented foods
Such as yoghurt which enriches the gut microbiome and in turn strengthens the immune system.
Alternatively, you can take probiotic supplements.

3) Get enough sleep
Sleep and a healthy immune system are closely tied, so aim for 7 or more hours a night.

4) Manage stress
Long term stress promotes inflammation and hinders immune cell function, so try to relieve stress before it takes a toll on you physically and mentally.

5) Moderate exercise
Is known to boost the immune system.

If you experience fatigue and breathlessness, contact your GP to book a haemoglobin test.

*Disclaimer- all our advice is general and based on the limited information provided to us in each question- always consult your GP for advice and guidance if a problem persists*

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