IFMCH has taken upon itself in establishing a 150 bed, state-of-the-art hospital in Mirpur Sakro, Thatta District.
This hospital will also cater to several adjoining small towns and nearby villages in Sindh. Combined with an OPD and in-house patient treatments, it will be pivotal in providing training of doctors and other paramedical staff including midwives. Furthermore, the trained staff will conduct awareness sessions among the local women folks on pregnancy and other birth issues.
The hospital will be built in 5 phases and the project is expected to complete in 5 years with an estimated cost of 610 million rupees. When finished, the hospital will be able to offer free maternity services, antenatal and post-natal care, gynaecological services, neonatal intensive care, neonatal medical & surgical services and child psychiatric services. This is considerably a large project requiring commitment, finances and strong will to serve the weak, under privileged, and socially outcast uneducated masses.

IFMCH invites philanthropists, donors and people with generosity to come forward and help in promoting this noble cause. These donors stand as the hallmark of IFMCH, who made this project feasible and enabled us to make it this far in establishing a fully functional hospital by extending their gracious moral support. IFMCH is open to receive donations in cash and in kind to fulfill our commitment towards better health care of mothers and children.