Increase access to healthcare
We are striving to increase access to free healthcare in one of the world’s most vulnerable regions. Our outpatients clinic in Mirpur Sakro village, Sindh Pakistan provides medicines, blood tests and health checks free of cost. We have treated over 20,000 patients to date (Jan 2023 figures) and see an average of 300 patients a month. There are no free maternal health facilities within a 50km radius of the village so we are trying to expand the facilities into a free maternity hospital. The foundations are complete at plinth level and we are trying to raise the funds for the next stage of construction
To raise the standard of care
We train Doctors, Midwives, Nurses and Lady Health Workers in Pakistan order to share best practices and raise the standards of care. To date we have trained over 408 lady health workers and traditional birth attendants (dai’s) across Pakistan and partnered with the society of obstetrics and gynecology (SOGP) Pakistan to carry out free Post-graduate MRCOG exam course, we have also conducted dozens of training in Hospitals across Pakistan in collaboration with PILLS (Pakistan institute of learning and living, Murshid Hospital and Al-Mustafa Trust. All training provided by IFMCH is free of cost.
Educate the masses
We deliver programs to raise health awareness among women of all ages. The aim of the program is to educate and empower women to make better health choices. We currently have carried out 25 programs in the UK with a range of women’s groups. We have conducted 13 programs on national television and dozens episodes on our social media platforms. You can invite us to carry out a health awareness program free of cost! At your school, workplace, community center or even online.