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7 Reasons for Depression during Pregnancy

Depression is a common complain among pregnant women. While it may not be easy to decide the allowable anxiety or depression during pregnancy, it is actually very normal to feel low and blue. Thanks to the overworked pregnancy hormones. Keep monitoring you instances and severity so that you can understand the seriousness of your situation. In case you are feeling blue all the time without any gaps, there are chances you are suffering from depression. To deal with it, you should try to understand the causes as well.

Here are some common causes of depression:

1. Family history of depression:

Having a family history of depression can be a prime cause for depression. If you have a gene associated with depression, you may be hit by it at any point in life. In case you have been through it for some other reasons, you might go through it yet again during pregnancy or after delivery. Make sure you talk about all your concerns to your doctor in case you have suffered from depression earlier.

2. Sudden trauma or shock

Going through a sudden shock or personal trauma during pregnancy can weigh you down with depression. Life may throw unpleasant situations when you least want or expect them. A shock of a divorce or some kind of loss can have a grave impact on your pregnancy causing further emotional instability.

3. Past history of miscarriage

Did you have a miscarriage before? It is only natural for you to feel anxious more than ever when you are pregnant again. You may have all kinds of thoughts about having a miscarriage again. Having to deal with a loss is not easy. Taking a fresh perspective and thinking about all kinds of positive things can help you feel better. In case you have experienced more than one miscarriage before and you are extremely worried this time, it is only best to talk to a psychologist or your gynecologist about your fears.

4. Pregnancy complications

If your doctor has broken any news regarding some kind of complications in your pregnancy, it is natural for you to feel anxious and depressed about the unforeseen complication. It could be risk factors related to your wellbeing or maybe your baby as well. Constant thoughts about what’s going to happen can stir an emotional and mental whirlpool in your head bringing you down. It is a good idea to talk to your partner and even a psychologist if needed.

5. Fertility treatments

Having gone through fertility treatments can also put you through the same as going through a loss. Fertility treatment is a journey where you feel tons of emotions. It is because of the heavy hormonal shifts that takes place in the procedure. Remind yourself repeatedly that you have benefited from your struggle and you are on your path to receive your bundle of joy.

6. Issues in personal relationships

If you are having a rough time with your personal relationships particularly your partner or other people close to you, you may go through depression. With all the emotional roller coaster you are already going through because of your hormone, you will have an extra emotional burden to deal with. Relationship issues will only heighten the feelings of despair and hopelessness. Try to clear up your head before you deliver the baby so that you give your baby a good environment. It mostly depends on your and your partner.

7. Issues in personal relationships

If you are having a rough time with your personal relationships particularly your partner or other people close to you, you may go through depression. With all the emotional roller coaster you are already going through because of your hormone, you will have an extra emotional burden to deal with. Relationship issues will only heighten the feelings of despair and hopelessness. Try to clear up your head before you deliver the baby so that you give your baby a good environment. It mostly depends on your and your partner.

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